ar·chi·tec·ture September 20, 2024December 20, 2024Jonathan Ferrini 0 A timely twisted tale where the past becomes the future for an architect, a devil, and Shakespeare riding beams of light. Share this:FacebookBlueskyThreadsEmailMoreLinkedInRedditPocketTelegramPinterestWhatsAppTumblrPrintMastodonNextdoorXLike this:Like Loading...
The Human-Actor, Moments to Anagnorisis June 21, 2020September 20, 2020Ashish Dwivedi 0 Shakespeare had once composed, and asked Jacques to tell the literary world of a ball that was, to him, a stage. Share this:FacebookBlueskyThreadsEmailMoreLinkedInRedditPocketTelegramPinterestWhatsAppTumblrPrintMastodonNextdoorXLike this:Like Loading...