I Dreamed I Closed My Eyes Forever March 20, 2023June 20, 2023H.L. Dowless 0 This is a poem about a dream I really had. Share this:FacebookBlueskyThreadsEmailMoreLinkedInRedditPocketTelegramPinterestWhatsAppTumblrPrintMastodonNextdoorXLike this:Like Loading...
Review of The Mayapple Forest December 20, 2022March 20, 2023Jacob Butlett 0 A review of Kim Ports Parsons’ book of poetry The Mayapple Forest. Share this:FacebookBlueskyThreadsEmailMoreLinkedInRedditPocketTelegramPinterestWhatsAppTumblrPrintMastodonNextdoorXLike this:Like Loading...
A Second Life December 20, 2022March 20, 2023Dale Cottingham 0 Much will be forgiven those on whom not much has dawned. But let me ask: How could you not see the signs? What with the oceans rising… Share this:FacebookBlueskyThreadsEmailMoreLinkedInRedditPocketTelegramPinterestWhatsAppTumblrPrintMastodonNextdoorXLike this:Like Loading...
We Swamp Creatures December 20, 2022March 20, 2023John Grey 0 The joys, or otherwise, of the swamp. Share this:FacebookBlueskyThreadsEmailMoreLinkedInRedditPocketTelegramPinterestWhatsAppTumblrPrintMastodonNextdoorXLike this:Like Loading...
Journal Entry: Germination December 20, 2022March 20, 2023David B Prather 0 Inspired by the gift of tomato seeds. Associative and journaling techniques were used to flesh out some kind of meaning. Share this:FacebookBlueskyThreadsEmailMoreLinkedInRedditPocketTelegramPinterestWhatsAppTumblrPrintMastodonNextdoorXLike this:Like Loading...
Cries December 20, 2022March 20, 2023Colin Ian Jeffery 0 We hear cries of children Yet to be born Share this:FacebookBlueskyThreadsEmailMoreLinkedInRedditPocketTelegramPinterestWhatsAppTumblrPrintMastodonNextdoorXLike this:Like Loading...
Most Poems December 20, 2022March 20, 2023Michael Lee Johnson 0 Most poems are pounded out in emotional flesh, sometimes physical skin scalped feelings. It’s a Jesus hanging on a cross a Mary kneeling… Share this:FacebookBlueskyThreadsEmailMoreLinkedInRedditPocketTelegramPinterestWhatsAppTumblrPrintMastodonNextdoorXLike this:Like Loading...
Blue Cotton Candy December 20, 2022March 20, 2023Janelle Finamore 0 A reflection and feelings of the effects of the pandemic. Share this:FacebookBlueskyThreadsEmailMoreLinkedInRedditPocketTelegramPinterestWhatsAppTumblrPrintMastodonNextdoorXLike this:Like Loading...
comes around December 20, 2022March 20, 2023Edward Canavan 0 From parts unknown poetry appears. Share this:FacebookBlueskyThreadsEmailMoreLinkedInRedditPocketTelegramPinterestWhatsAppTumblrPrintMastodonNextdoorXLike this:Like Loading...
Anti-Catharsis 2.0 December 20, 2022March 20, 2023Mary Mills 0 Prickly rains drench Mother Courage as she pulls her wagon in Central Park. Share this:FacebookBlueskyThreadsEmailMoreLinkedInRedditPocketTelegramPinterestWhatsAppTumblrPrintMastodonNextdoorXLike this:Like Loading...
If Love Turns to Hate … Socks Knocked Off, Gloves Peeled Off December 20, 2022March 20, 2023Amrita Valan 0 When Love becomes silent cold war … Is it Hate? Is it Dependency or is it fear of changes? Deception seems to be the winner. Share this:FacebookBlueskyThreadsEmailMoreLinkedInRedditPocketTelegramPinterestWhatsAppTumblrPrintMastodonNextdoorXLike this:Like Loading...
Spring December 20, 2022March 20, 2023Julia Murray 0 Spring is an introspective poem reflecting on personal growth throughout the changing of seasons. Share this:FacebookBlueskyThreadsEmailMoreLinkedInRedditPocketTelegramPinterestWhatsAppTumblrPrintMastodonNextdoorXLike this:Like Loading...
Review of The Way a Wound Becomes a Scar September 20, 2022December 20, 2022Ryan Brinkhurst 0 A review of Emily Schulten’s book of poetry The Way a Wound Becomes a Scar. Share this:FacebookBlueskyThreadsEmailMoreLinkedInRedditPocketTelegramPinterestWhatsAppTumblrPrintMastodonNextdoorXLike this:Like Loading...
disseverance September 20, 2022December 20, 2022RC deWinter 0 When the inevitably right thing happens – and doesn’t. Share this:FacebookBlueskyThreadsEmailMoreLinkedInRedditPocketTelegramPinterestWhatsAppTumblrPrintMastodonNextdoorXLike this:Like Loading...
Smile at today’s sun as it goes down September 20, 2022December 20, 2022Paul Butterfield Jnr 0 Maybe if they knew of my hardships They would go easier on me Share this:FacebookBlueskyThreadsEmailMoreLinkedInRedditPocketTelegramPinterestWhatsAppTumblrPrintMastodonNextdoorXLike this:Like Loading...
Promise September 20, 2022December 20, 2022Charlotte Thom 0 A real story about two people who trusted each other and kept promises but the male in the relationship screwed the female over. Share this:FacebookBlueskyThreadsEmailMoreLinkedInRedditPocketTelegramPinterestWhatsAppTumblrPrintMastodonNextdoorXLike this:Like Loading...