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Arvilla Fee teaches English and is the managing editor for the San Antonio Review. She has published poetry, photography, and short stories in numerous presses, including Calliope, North of Oxford, Rat’s Ass Review, Mudlark, and many others. Her poetry books, The Human Side and This is Life, are available on Amazon. Arvilla loves writing, photography and traveling, and she never leaves home without a snack and water (just in case of an apocalypse). For Arvilla, writing produces the greatest joy when it connects us to each other. To learn more about her work, you can visit her website:


Trigger Warning

The funeral director,
with his slick-backed hair
and blue reading glasses
perched on the end
of his sharp little nose,
solemnly announces
you can be placed
in more than one urn.
For a fee, you can sit
in dozens of urns—
at a cousin’s or niece’s
brother’s or aunt’s.
You need not be confined,
my love;
we can each carry
part of you in our hearts,
part of you back to our homes.

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