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Edward L. Canavan is a Los Angeles based poet whose work has most recently appeared in New Croton Review, The Opiate, and the Collapse Press Anthology “Letters for the End Times.” He has 2 poetry collections published by Cyberwit Press. Born and raised in the Bronx, NY, Edward currently resides in North Hollywood, California, where he practices Buddhism and is currently listening to Voivod.


Trigger Warning

a glory not readily understood by many

a stronghold of golden aloneness
not for the weak of heart

nor for the speaking hordes
deafened by their own silence

to revel in exquisite absence
is the reward for a long day’s toil
of forced conversation and feigned smiles

i look forward to it like nothing else

bidding it adieu at the break of day
greeting it upon safe arrival home after work

oh how i long
for its enamored embrace

and maybe even, on occasion,
someone with which to share
its unrivaled comfort.

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