Trigger Warning
If you’ve ever wondered how Netflix recommends movies, why we venerate artists who were controversial or ignored during their lifetimes, or why books often see a sudden decline in Amazon ratings after they win a major prize, Tom Vanderbilt has the answers. His newest book dives into the subject of why we like the things we like and what our preferences reveal about us. In You May Also Like: Taste in an Age of Endless Choice, Vanderbilt navigates psychology, marketing, and neuroscience to explore the elusive beast of taste. 6:30 p.m.: Join DMA staff for playful conversations in the galleries, exploring your own reactions to various works of art. Public – $40.00 DMA Member – $30.00 Student/Educator – $20.00

April 25, 2017
Dallas Museum of Art
1717 N Harwood
Dallas, Texas, United States
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