Trigger Warning
Ballet Étoile presents The Firebird, the fantastical fairytale of enchanting characters and magical lands, set to Stravinsky's iconic score. Also on the program is the delightful 'Harlequinade Pas de Deux'; 'Tango Nuevo', a fiery suite to the music of Astor Piazzolla; 'Lear and Cordelia', a Pas de Deux inspired by Shakespeare's King Lear; and more! The Firebird Synopsis: Wandering through the forest, Prince Ivan stumbles upon the enchanted garden of Kostchei the Immortal, an evil magician. In the darkness of the garden he sees a glowing tree full of shimmering golden apples. As Ivan watches, The Firebird enters the garden, attracted by the tree. Ivan captures the Firebird, who pleads to be released. The Firebird offers Ivan a magical feather in exchange for her freedom. The feather will summon the Firebird if Ivan is ever in danger. As the Firebird disappears into the garden, five beautiful Princesses appear and begin to play with the golden apples. Attracted by the beautiful Tsarevna, Ivan emerges from his hiding place. The Princesses tell Ivan that they are captives of the Evil Kostchei and his Queen, and urge Ivan to flee from the garden. Ivan expresses his love for the Tsarevna and promises to find Kostchei and break his evil spell. The Princesses flee from the tree as Ivan is surrounded by the strange exotic creatures of Kostchei’s court. Kostchei himself then appears and tries to capture Ivan. Ivan remembers the Firebird’s promise; he waves the magical feather and the Firebird appears. She enchants Kostchei and the creatures, forcing them to dance frantically until they are exhausted and fall into a deep sleep. The Firebird shows Ivan the secret to Kostchei’s immortality, a magical box containing an egg. Kostchei awakes, but Ivan drops the egg, forever destroying Kostchei. The captives are free and everyone joins in celebrating the marriage of Ivan and the Tsarevna.

February 12, 2017
Dave Dunnet Community Theatre, Oak Bay
2121 Cadboro Bay Road
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada