Trigger Warning
Through the motif of the pear, Marilyn Nilsson Grabinsky uses nontraditional watercolour methods to explore themes of sensuality, health, and longevity. Her artistic technique allows water, paint, and paper to spill, pool, and blend to the point where the textures and colours themselves to become the subject of her work.
Artist Bio: A formally trained artist working in Edmonton, Marilyn Nilsson Grabinsky's studio practices include painting, mixed media works on paper, sculpture, and installation.
Marilyn's paintings are abstract, gestural, and highly textured. She lays the materials in a combination of thick and thin, revealing the support and the physical marks. Colour is important as an expressive statement, and texture invites the viewer into the space of the work.
June 14, 2017
The Carrot Coffeehouse
9351- 118 ave
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
T5G 0N3
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