Trigger Warning
For the 24th consecutive year, Will Durst and his merry band of pranksters once again take their end-of-the-year comedy extravaganza to the Bay Area’s far-flung nooks and crannies, bringing their hilarious New Year’s celebration to the people. For 9 consecutive days starting the day after Christmas through January 3rd, the troupe vows to lampoon, satirize, mock, scoff, scorn, taunt, tease, rib and ridicule the people and events of the past year and do it with a modicum of taste. The 24th annual Big Fat Year End Kiss Off Comedy Show features an uproarious collection of riotous skits, songs, sketches, and stand- up, all based on the wacky events that made up 2016. Some calendars are less conducive as subjects of humourosity, but this one gave us Megyn Kelly, Brexit, the Zika virus and bad hombres grabbing nasty women. Lush like a tropical rain forest. Continuing a holiday tradition as hallowed as the coal in Donald Trump’s stocking and as welcome as an air freshener in the Bohemian Club’s outhouse following Chili Dog Night, The Big Fat Year End Kiss Off Comedy Show consists of 6 comics, 9 cities, 10 shows and 2,347 laughs. Complete info at: Like us on Facebook! SIX COMICS Will Durst, (, Johnny Steele, ( Debi Durst and Michael Bossier (Deb and Mike), Mari Magaloni and last but not least, the beguiling Arthur Gaus, Esq.

December 31, 2016
Theatre on San Pedro Square
29 N. San Pedro Street
San Jose, California, United States
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