Trigger Warning
Are you a motivational or inspirational speaker? Do you deliver keynotes? Do you have to speak to sell? Do you perform or want to perform on stage or Tv? Are you a musician? Singer? Entertainer or Performer? Are you a Dancer? Have you ever felt you are "losing" your audience's interest? Have you ever felt the audience get restless while you are presenting? Have you ever had your mind go blank, felt panic or anxiety prior to or during a perfromance? Have you ever been heckled on stage? These are just some examples of what can happen when you have not mastered your Stage Presence. The definition of Stage Presence is: the ability to command the attention of an audience by the impressiveness of one's manner or appearance. Some of the qualities of stage presence are: – Confidence – Passion – Enthusiasm – Intrigue – Comfort – Authenticity – Humor Do you feel or think you need to work on any of these qualities? All of them are something you can learn and master with practice. Learn stage presence, and make your performance an amazing experience for your audience. The Stage Presence Workshop has been specifically designed for people who want to improve their skills. From Beginners to Advanced performers, anyone can benefit from the elements I will teach. With this workshop you'll learn the most important elements that will make you create a STRONG Stage Presence. You will learn: – Facial expressions – Modelling awareness – Characterization – Dialogue – Grounding- Act-outs – Pacing and leveraging silence – Opening and closing with impact – Dealing with feedback – Controlling YOUR stage Combining exercises, interactive activities, stand-up comedy, improvisational skills, and acting, participants will learn ways to make their message be heard, felt and received. Limited to just 20 participants, and facilitated by Oswaldo Sevilla, formerly a Stage Hypnotist, Designer and Producer of his own Stage Hypnosis and Mind Reading shows for 27 years, this 16 hour workshop is aimed to work with each and every one of you,to help you achieve a strong stage presence that will let you go from good to great and from great to awesome.

January 04, 2017
Intrepid Theatre Club
1609 Blanshard St
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
V8P 1G5
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