Trigger Warning
Justin Carter celebrates Black History Month with a remounting of his first one man show, SON OF AFRICVILLE. Stemming from the roots of historic Africville, Canada's largest and oldest black community, SON OF AFRICVILLE is the heartwarming true story of a young man's journey back to a mother that always loved him. Relived through story and song, Justin Carter tells this autobiographical tale of a mother who gave up her son because of drugs and schizophrenia and their reunion after almost 20 years apart. Written and Directed by Justin Carter and Dama Hanks, SON OF AFRICVILLE, premiered in Victoria BC in 2009 as part of Puente Theatre's Work Play. Since its premiere, Justin has toured Son of Africville to critical acclaim in festivals from coast to coast including UNO FESTIVAL in Victoria, BC, THE CHAUTAUQUA THEATRE FESTIVAL in Saskatchewan, and the SUPERNOVA FESTIVAL in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Carter's performance is funny, touching and tragic all at once. He lightens the mood of the deeply emotional journey with hilarious re-enactments and astute observations. He clearly shares his mother's sense of humor, in addition to her voice. This is an honest and heartwarming portrayal not only of a mother's love, but also of her son's recognition of the great sacrifice she made in giving him up. Times Colonist, Victoria, BC – Amy Smart "With his catchy original music interludes that fit seamlessly into the production, Carter offers honest lyrics and a touch of gospel and soul. He draws the audience into his life experiences with his music — so much so that a few even started clapping along. Standouts include “Justin Time” and “Sainte Catherine,” a touching song from the perspective of his birth father about how his parents met on this iconic strip in downtown Montreal and about why their relationship ultimately didn't work out. Son of Africville is an honest, simple and engaging story about discovering your roots and coming to terms with them. It is a stand out in this year's Uno Fest from a performer Victoria is lucky to call a local. “ Monday Magazine, Victoria,BC – Mary Ellen Green 7pm Monday, February 6th, 2017 $15 online at Eventbrite $20 at the door(cash only) Cash Bar Look for Justin's other show MY FATHER TO WHOM I AM NOT RELATED being held at the Victoria Event Centre on February 13th, 2017. For more info got to

February 06, 2017
Bon Macaron Patisserie
1012 Broad St
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada