Trigger Warning
Drag Sendup of HBO's Sex and the City Live! Returns
The uproarious drag sendup of HBO's beloved series Sex and the City is back at the Oasis. Relive your favorite episodes during this loving tribute to the iconic show, which finds four "young" "women" in search of the perfect relationship while looking gorgeous and knocking back plenty of Cosmopolitans. The show features four of San Francisco's most fabulous drag stars: D'Arcy Drollinger (Sh*t & Champagne), Sue Casa (Miss Trannyshack 2013), Lady Bear (Bear-Barella) and Steven LeMay (Sh*t & Champagne) playing homage to Carrie and the gang, while Drag King extraordinaire Leigh Crow guest stars as Mr. Big. Darren Star (creator of the HBO show) described this version as "funnier than it was on TV," so you can expect some Big Apple-sized laughs.

June 01, 2017
Haunted Walk of Ottawa
46 Sparks Street
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada