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what it is: Romeo and Juliet, as written by Shakespeare, condensed into a one-hour show where four actors take on the roles of Romeo, Juliet, and everyone else, drinks in hand. There will be various drinking games played out during each scene for the actors and audience alike – so you can sip along, and play along! performed by: Ailsa Galbreath Gina Thornhill James Maclean Katie Dorian helping hands: Kat Mccormack Zach Faye how it works: > reserve a ticket to the show here: or purchase at the door. (all tix pay what you want!) > head over to the bar and get a drink, maybe two! > enjoy your drink during the show! > enjoy watching the actors drink during the show! >> there will be two intermissions for extra bar trips. >> the show will be about 90 minutes with both intermissions. **this is a fundraiser for The Bus Stop Theatre

February 13, 2017
The Bus Stop Theatre
2203 Gottingen
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada