Trigger Warning
Jade: China's Immortal Stone Celebrate the ancient Chinese tradition of jade sculpture with international scholar Jenny F. So. When China conducted an international competition for the design of the 2008 Olympic medals to be awarded to athletes around the world, jade was the central feature in the winning design. This reminds us that jade — a precious stone highly valued by in Chinese society — has been an integral part of Chinese art and culture for over 5000 years. In this talk, Dr. So will explore the complex, multi-layered meanings of jade that developed over millennia, and why it played such a central role in Chinese psyche and society. Speaker: Jenny F. So studied with Max Loehr at Harvard University, and served as Senior Curator of Ancient Chinese Art at the Freer-Sackler Galleries, Smithsonian Institution until 2001, when she took up her current position of Professor of Fine Arts at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

March 28, 2017
Royal Ontario Museum
100 Queen s Park
Toronto, Ontario, Canada