Trigger Warning
Megan Dickie’s One Way or Another highlights the failure involved in the quest for excellence. The project originated with a trilogy of videos that use classic video games as a platform to investigate human struggle. Within this trilogy a character blunders through a series of obstacles that constantly defy her. These impediments are indicative of forms and concepts that drive Dickie’s artistic practice: logic inspired, insurmountable forms that are turned into absurd objects of physical comedy. The structures from the videos have been brought to life through sculptures that focus on endless patterns. Together, the sculptures and videos create an immersive environment of humorous persistence; questioning the value of human progress and highlighting the struggle for bigger, better, and more. One Way or Another opens January 13, at 7:30 p.m. at Open Space. The exhibition continues until Saturday, February 18. Megan Dickie will also present an artist talk, paired with the launch of the exhibition catalogue, on February 11 from 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
January 10, 2017
Open Space
510 Fort Street 2nd Floor
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada