Trigger Warning
The STFD Improv Master Series 8 is for STFD students who have completed the 101 to 104 classes, attended Minimum 3 Shut The Front Door Improv Shows. The Master Series 8 will be an Eight Class Improv Intensive. Seven classes will be focusing on 7 building aspects of Improv & Class 8 will be a Live Show Case of their talents. You will need a Pen & Pad plus a Blind Fold for Class. Class One (June 21): The Art of 'Yes And'. Moving the story forward with' Yes And' and how to say 'No' with a 'Yes' Get pass the fear into an Improv mind and the first step to trusting. Class Two (June 28): The Art of Character Work. Bringing to life Five Characters solidifying four of them. Be ready to not be yourself for this entire class. Class Three (July 5): The Art of Musical Improv. This class is all about desire & confidence and little to do with singing abillities. Bring to life a new aspect of improv and let the doors open to your creativity. Class Four (July 12): The Art of Physical Work. Class Three was all singing. Class Four, you will be for the most part, silent. Lets move that body and show who we are. PLUS The ultimate trust challenge. *****NO CLASS JULY 19**** Class Five (July 26): The Art of Highten & Explore. This class will cut to the chase of creating a scene. It will be the toughest class by far as we break down your scenes and side coach step by step, moment by moment. Taking the smart choice and avoiding the toilet… easier said than done. Class Six (August 2): The Art of Making It Real. Here you are going to participate in 'real life scenes' becoming aware of emotional values that lend to reading & supporting each other. As well the micro movements that speek big and loud and "Look at me. Let me have all of your attention" Class Seven (August 9): The Art of Putting It All Together. We will look at how Improv has affected your life in real day to day terms. Plus, Lets take all that we have learned and identify your strengths and weeknesses, putting them to use by performing on a mock stage with all the students. You will plan what it takes to put on a Live Improv show. ******NO CLASS AUGUST 16**** Classs Eight (August 23 ): The Art of A Live Show. Here is the time to show your Friends & Family your new improv skill set by performing live on stage for them a One Hour Improv Show. Here you will be an Improviser, show host & artistic director all in one.

June 21, 2017
London Public Library
251 Dundas St
London, Ontario, Canada
N6A 6H9
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