Trigger Warning
For centuries, France has played a decisive role in the Francophonie. Yet despite the nature and importance of France's activities in Canada, their impact on Francophone life and the development of the French language remains poorly understood.
In fact, the repercussions include nothing less than the establishment of a new country. There have also been important impacts in a variety of fields: communications, education, science, journalism and, in particular, the promotion of the Canada's intangible Francophone heritage.
In short, the history of France in Canada is a beautiful, meaningful and valiant story that author Yves Breton will have the pleasure of sharing and reflecting on.
Yves Breton is a historian, a development consultant and the author of several works on the history of Canada and various social questions. He also sits on the board of directors of the Association des auteures et auteurs de l'Ontario Français (AAOF).
Janine Messadié is a highly skilled communicator who has worked for three decades as a journalist and broadcaster with Radio-Canada, as well various private radio and television stations in Quebec and Francophone Ontario.

March 15, 2017
Art Gallery of l’Alliance Française
352 MacLaren St
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada