Trigger Warning
Rhapsody Quintet, in collaboration with You Two Can Tango, is pleased to present an evening of music and dancing. The first part of the program will be a concert by Rhapsody Quintet, playing a wide range of musical styles from its repertoire. After the intermission the Quintet will present a set of tango music. Tango dancers are invited to take to the beautiful wooden dance floor. Those that don’t dance are invited to sit back and enjoy the music and dancing. Rhapsody Quintet will play two sets of Tango music and in between dancers will be able to continue dancing to recorded music provided by YouTwo Can Tango. Bonus feature: your ticket will also entitle you to an introductory tango workshop with Lorne and Martina of YouTwoCanTango on July 23, 2:30-4pm, at Fort Massey United Church. Registration at the concert.

July 22, 2017
Lilian Piercey Concert Hall
Maritime Conservatory of Performing Arts
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
B3L 1K7
Map It