Trigger Warning
Come celebrate life, ongoing creation, and the pursuit of dreams! Highlights include: vegan potluck (if you're bringing a dish, it counts as your ticket… get in touch and let us know that you're preparing something), an exhibit of black light art (send a message if you have work of this type you would like to be displayed!), displays of artwork by amazing local artists, local vendors displaying & selling goods they have crafted, psychedelic lighting, + space to dance. Performing: Pnambic The Human Race Zuffalo Atodaso Artists and Vendors: Frances Dawn Locs (aka Song) Robyn Lightwalker Bouncing Rainbows Fingerprint Orgonite Monika Minnis Tickets: $15 – in advance $20 – at the door BYOB (For my birthday this year, I want to begin something that's been on my heart for a while. It is to help connect people with instruments. Having access to one has changed my life, I want to pass it on. To take a step towards this, I'm planning to give away a guitar. Please send me a message if you know someone who wants to play, but doesn't have access to an instrument. Perhaps I can pair up my desire to help connect people with instruments with another passion of mine, which is repairing things. I'm thinking maybe I can take broken instruments, starting with the ones I already have, and maybe you or others will give me some more broken instruments, and if they can be repaired within a reasonable budget, I will do so and give them away. Anyway, that's one idea and I'm going to see where it goes. ♥ Frances aka Song)

January 28, 2017
Marleys Reach
76 Sherman Ave N
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada