Trigger Warning
A City is a living diorama/tableaux vivant. It is an intimate, personal study of four artists/friends, who tell the story of a friend who died under mysterious circumstances, and how his death, and his life, transformed them. The story is revealed through direct address in a disarmingly casual atmosphere, as if the audience were eavesdropping on a personal conversation. Inspired by members of a real indie theatre company in Montreal, the piece was created from documented stories, recorded text, confessional monologues and fictional writing. A City is a painfully funny testament to a time and place. It is about the end of a friendship. It is about the fall of a civilization. A world premiere by GREG MACARTHUR Directed by JENNIFER TARVER Staring Amy Keating, Cole J. Alvis, David Patrick Flemming and Justin Goodhand Set and Costumes by Andjelija Djuric Lighting Design by Rebecca Picherack Sound Design by Lyon Smith
March 14, 2017
Artscape Sandbox
301 Adelaide St. West
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
M5V 0A7
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