Trigger Warning
Our mission is to start in the city of Jacksonville to bring beleivers together as one through the arts. Lifting up the name of Jesus in UNITY!!!!! Pre-Registration: $35 adults (ages 16 & up) $25youth (ages 7 – 15) On-Site Registration: $40 adults (ages 16 & up) $30 youth (ages 7 – 15) All Registration is NON-REFUNDABLE Registration includes: access to all classes both Friday & Saturday Panel Discussion Luncheon on Saturday Evening Worship Encounter FOR DANCERS: We will have dynamic dance classes for the dancer that is looking to sharpen their gift physically and grow spiritually in the arena of dance ministry. Classes offered: Ballet, African, Mime, Prophetic Dance, Urban Praise, Unity in Leadership Choreography & More!!! FOR SINGERS/MUSICIANS: We will offer dynamic classes for the singer ad musician that want to sharpen their gift, grow spiritually as it pertains to music ministry and advance in their professional performance. Classes Offered: , Vocal Technique (both days), Praise & Worship & more!! FOR ALL: We will offer dynamic classes for all that need spiritual development as it pertains to th arts. Classes Offered: Soaking, Jehosaphat's Choir & more!!! On Saturday Night we will have an awesome concert showcasing the gifts that God has blessed us with. It will feature various dance, mime & music ministries mainly from the Jacksonville area. Oh and by the way……..the Concert is FREE!!!!! FREE!!!! FREEE!!!! Read more Read less

January 27, 2017
New Life Evangelistic Center
8040 Lone Star Road
Jacksonville, Florida, United States
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