Your Work Must Be
- Previously unpublished;
- Nowhere online (not even on social media or a website you own);
- Created by you;
- Owned by you.
Literary Heist Needs
- Exclusive publishing rights for 14 months, after which time full rights revert back to the owner;
- The ability to publish the work in a yearly electronic book.
Maximum Submissions
Feel free to submit as much work as you like for consideration, but please only send one work per submission.
For art submissions, feel free to submit more than one image if it’s part of a collection.
Publication Frequency
Literary Heist publishes every quarter on the following dates:
- March 21 (Spring Issue)
- June 21 (Summer Issue)
- September 21 (Autumn Issue)
- December 21 (Winter Issue)
At this time, Literary Heist does not offer payment.
Publishing Medium
Literary Heist is exclusively an online website publication that also publishes a yearly compilation into an electronic book.
What Literary Heist Publishes
- Minimum words: 50 (this is not strict, only preferred)
- Maximum words: 400
- Material: any topics will considered
Short Stories
- Minimum words: 300
- Maximum words: 2000
- Material: any topics will considered (as long as there is character dialogue)
- Minimum words: 300
- Maximum words: 2000
- Material: anyone in the literary or art world who is doing something interesting
Book Reviews
- Minimum words: 300
- Maximum words: 2000
- Material: most books would be acceptable, especially fictional and autobiographical
- Minimum words: 300
- Maximum words: 2000
- Material: anything having to do with literature or art that is of interest
- Minimum width: 1000px
- Maximum file size 64Mb
- Material: anything you deem fit to be submitted in PNG or JPG
Thank you for reading the guidelines, please send us your submission.