student class x March 20, 2017June 21, 2017Małgorzata Skałbania 0 the origin of the intelligentsia there are paintings in museums that could not call up pictures Share this:FacebookBlueskyThreadsEmailMoreLinkedInRedditPocketTelegramPinterestWhatsAppTumblrPrintMastodonNextdoorXLike this:Like Loading...
The gods of space March 20, 2017June 21, 2017Augustine Oghanrandukun 0 The gods of space rule long in virtues true, Far, far in Epsilon Bootees, the star Share this:FacebookBlueskyThreadsEmailMoreLinkedInRedditPocketTelegramPinterestWhatsAppTumblrPrintMastodonNextdoorXLike this:Like Loading...
Like These December 20, 2016March 20, 2017Lindy Weller 0 A poem about not just battling addiction and demons but realizing how it takes the pieces of what makes me who I am. Share this:FacebookBlueskyThreadsEmailMoreLinkedInRedditPocketTelegramPinterestWhatsAppTumblrPrintMastodonNextdoorXLike this:Like Loading...
Bouquet and Tear December 20, 2016March 20, 2017Benjamin Nardolilli 0 I saw him on the subway to Manhattan, Thinning hair, Thinning skin, Bulge over a belt and baggy pants […] Share this:FacebookBlueskyThreadsEmailMoreLinkedInRedditPocketTelegramPinterestWhatsAppTumblrPrintMastodonNextdoorXLike this:Like Loading...
The Persistent Absentee December 20, 2016March 20, 2017Colin James 0 A Georgian facade is visible from my punishment cubical. Compliments to its former conscript for coping so creatively. Computer […] Share this:FacebookBlueskyThreadsEmailMoreLinkedInRedditPocketTelegramPinterestWhatsAppTumblrPrintMastodonNextdoorXLike this:Like Loading...
Matriculation December 20, 2016December 20, 2016Gary Beck 0 ‘Learning Curve’ is an unpublished collection concerned with the decline of Western civilization. Share this:FacebookBlueskyThreadsEmailMoreLinkedInRedditPocketTelegramPinterestWhatsAppTumblrPrintMastodonNextdoorXLike this:Like Loading...
Taking On The Dictator’s Statue December 20, 2016March 20, 2017John Grey 0 Somberly he stepped forward, wobbly knees, swaying arms, a high bald head as if his ears had crawled down […] Share this:FacebookBlueskyThreadsEmailMoreLinkedInRedditPocketTelegramPinterestWhatsAppTumblrPrintMastodonNextdoorXLike this:Like Loading...
God is a Woman December 20, 2016March 20, 2017Norman Klein 0 God is a woman, the world her mirror, her tigered jungles, her deserts of ennui, her peaks and valleys, […] Share this:FacebookBlueskyThreadsEmailMoreLinkedInRedditPocketTelegramPinterestWhatsAppTumblrPrintMastodonNextdoorXLike this:Like Loading...
The Art I Fear Most December 20, 2016March 20, 2017William Doreski 0 The upstairs neighbor trundles room to room, scalding footprints into the air. A green truck clanks with lading. Trash […] Share this:FacebookBlueskyThreadsEmailMoreLinkedInRedditPocketTelegramPinterestWhatsAppTumblrPrintMastodonNextdoorXLike this:Like Loading...
To My Wife (On The Occasion of Our 25th Wedding Anniversary) December 20, 2016March 20, 2017W. David Hall 0 This poem reflects social injustice, broken hearts, and lifelong love, that which is always with us. Share this:FacebookBlueskyThreadsEmailMoreLinkedInRedditPocketTelegramPinterestWhatsAppTumblrPrintMastodonNextdoorXLike this:Like Loading...