Painting 3159 December 20, 2024March 20, 2025Claudio Parentela 0 The hermit in the tarot sees what others see and do not see, he looks at himself, he looks forward and behind… Share this:FacebookBlueskyThreadsEmailMoreLinkedInRedditPocketTelegramPinterestWhatsAppTumblrPrintMastodonNextdoorXLike this:Like Loading...
The Empty Mirror September 20, 2024December 20, 2024Jaina Cipriano 0 These photographs are of worlds built with my own hands. The concept of how space affects internal life is central to my process. Share this:FacebookBlueskyThreadsEmailMoreLinkedInRedditPocketTelegramPinterestWhatsAppTumblrPrintMastodonNextdoorXLike this:Like Loading...
Evening Shores March 20, 2024June 20, 2024Don Hoeppner 0 Original Watercolours Watercolour prints on Canvas Share this:FacebookBlueskyThreadsEmailMoreLinkedInRedditPocketTelegramPinterestWhatsAppTumblrPrintMastodonNextdoorXLike this:Like Loading...
Old Cock Road December 20, 2023March 20, 2024Michael Noonan 0 Depicts a small pedestrianized street in Halifax, which links Commercial Road to Market Street. Share this:FacebookBlueskyThreadsEmailMoreLinkedInRedditPocketTelegramPinterestWhatsAppTumblrPrintMastodonNextdoorXLike this:Like Loading...
Lost Heartbeats June 20, 2023September 21, 2023Edward Michael Supranowicz 0 Bold and high contrast colors intended to be the visual equivalent of a heartbeat, one that is lost because it was not taken. Share this:FacebookBlueskyThreadsEmailMoreLinkedInRedditPocketTelegramPinterestWhatsAppTumblrPrintMastodonNextdoorXLike this:Like Loading...
Detached From Color June 20, 2023September 21, 2023Carl Scharwath 0 Photography as a means of self-expression. The most important quality of a photograph, as in all art, is to evoke an emotional response. Share this:FacebookBlueskyThreadsEmailMoreLinkedInRedditPocketTelegramPinterestWhatsAppTumblrPrintMastodonNextdoorXLike this:Like Loading...
Summer Study June 20, 2022September 20, 2022Anna Sui 0 Summer Study is an acrylic on canvas painting inspired by the blooms and foliage in Ontario’s national and provincial parks. Share this:FacebookBlueskyThreadsEmailMoreLinkedInRedditPocketTelegramPinterestWhatsAppTumblrPrintMastodonNextdoorXLike this:Like Loading...
in cemento veritas March 20, 2022June 21, 2022Mario Loprete 1 Clothes that survived covid 19, very similar to what survived after the 2,000-year-old catastrophic eruption of Pompeii. Share this:FacebookBlueskyThreadsEmailMoreLinkedInRedditPocketTelegramPinterestWhatsAppTumblrPrintMastodonNextdoorXLike this:Like Loading...
Jellyfish and Microbeads December 20, 2021March 20, 2022Maureen C. Berry 0 By pairing the natural with the unnatural, I create a subtle awareness of the plastic pollution crisis. Mixed media watercolor on paper. Share this:FacebookBlueskyThreadsEmailMoreLinkedInRedditPocketTelegramPinterestWhatsAppTumblrPrintMastodonNextdoorXLike this:Like Loading...
Peppers for a Stew December 20, 2021March 20, 2022Abby Ripley 0 This is a watercolor of three peppers in orange, yellow, and red being cut up to be put in a meat stew with other vegetables. Share this:FacebookBlueskyThreadsEmailMoreLinkedInRedditPocketTelegramPinterestWhatsAppTumblrPrintMastodonNextdoorXLike this:Like Loading...
Covidscapes September 20, 2021December 20, 2021Cynthia Yatchman 0 These images were done during our Covid isolation. Share this:FacebookBlueskyThreadsEmailMoreLinkedInRedditPocketTelegramPinterestWhatsAppTumblrPrintMastodonNextdoorXLike this:Like Loading...
Time June 20, 2021September 20, 2021Gino Parisi 0 Time is inspired by the emotions of time. The now is where time does not exist. Share this:FacebookBlueskyThreadsEmailMoreLinkedInRedditPocketTelegramPinterestWhatsAppTumblrPrintMastodonNextdoorXLike this:Like Loading...
A Spring Collection March 20, 2021June 20, 2021RC deWinter 0 A collection of artwork with Spring in mind. Share this:FacebookBlueskyThreadsEmailMoreLinkedInRedditPocketTelegramPinterestWhatsAppTumblrPrintMastodonNextdoorXLike this:Like Loading...
3 Untitled Portraits of Young Men On the Verge Of Infamy December 21, 2020March 20, 2021Jeremy Szuder 0 The illustrations are done with ink on paper and all measuring @ 5″X7″. Share this:FacebookBlueskyThreadsEmailMoreLinkedInRedditPocketTelegramPinterestWhatsAppTumblrPrintMastodonNextdoorXLike this:Like Loading...
Elvis Has Left the Building March 20, 2020June 21, 2020Lorette C. Luzajic 0 This artwork uses layers of collage and mixed media to portray memory, drawing on city life, poetry, art history, and other urban influences. Share this:FacebookBlueskyThreadsEmailMoreLinkedInRedditPocketTelegramPinterestWhatsAppTumblrPrintMastodonNextdoorXLike this:Like Loading...
Diversity Dance December 20, 2019March 20, 2020Jenn Ashton 0 Celebrating the differences. Acrylic and charcoal on canvas. Share this:FacebookBlueskyThreadsEmailMoreLinkedInRedditPocketTelegramPinterestWhatsAppTumblrPrintMastodonNextdoorXLike this:Like Loading...