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Vicki Smith is a new writer. She was involved in social services for 20 years which has given her a unique understanding of human nature. She writes from a Christian perspective which offers her readers hope and encouragement.


Trigger Warning

I consider myself a connoisseur of the internet. I surf with a discriminating eye and believe I have perfected this genre. I love music – dance, song, and every kind of excellent entertainment. I found this group by chance, and it took me a minute to appreciate their talent. Maybe it was the pink hairdo or the way they danced and moved their feet. I loved the rivalry between the saxophones and the outstanding performance of the trumpeter. 

The band consists of two or three baritone saxophonists, a trumpeter, a trombone, a tuba and a drummer. Their preferred venue is the subway of New York. I am assuming their name means they were chopped from a normal brass ensemble but that could be totally off base. Their music and appearance is way too unconventional, but I find it absurdly entertaining. It is an all male band except for the female tuba player (you go girl), and they are dressed in normal street wear. Their footwork is the watcher’s delight. They only have their feet to demonstrate their exuberant rhythms and so they do. While they are busy with their hands and mouths breathing passion into the instruments they are hopping and sliding around to the beat sometimes in unison, sometimes not.

I don’t know how to describe their music, it’s kind of like rock and roll via the brass band; I’ve never heard anything like it. I wondered whether this kind of music would be successful, but evidently they’ve been around for at least eight years and have a real following. Next time you feel like you don’t fit in and are filled with the I’m not worthy blues, you should watch a video of the Lucky Chops brass band. 

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