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Born in Catanzaro (1962-Italy) where he lives and work, Claudio Parentela is an illustrator, painter, digital painter, photographer, mail artist, cartoonist, collagist, textile artist, and journalist. Active for many years in the international contemporary art scene, ee has collaborated with many zines, magazines of contemporary art, and comics in Italy and around the world. Some names among the many include NYArtsMagazine, Turntable & Blue Light Magazine, Komix, LitChaos, Why Vandalism, Thieves Jargon, 180 Mag, Braintwisting, The Doors of Creativity Anthology,L o Sciacallo Elettronico, Inguine, Stripburger, Lavirint,Komikaze, Mystery Island Magazine, Monoclab, MungBeing Magazine, The Lummox Journal, The Cherotic R(e)volutionary, Sick Puppy, Malefact, Gordo, johnmagazine, SHITTY SHEEP-Lamette, alchimiadeldolore, Be|Different, UpScene Magazine, Chance, Lucid Moon, Tryst, Carolina Vigna Maru’s Blog, Abusemagazine, hijacked, Synthesis,, Spartandog, Numbmagazine, DrexterMagz, Que Suerte, Art Life, Pintalo De Verde, ApArte, Evasion, The Benway Institute, Phony Lid Publications, First Class, This Is Magazine, Diesel, Stu Magazine, Becoming Journal, Exposweb, Pockoville, Crane Magazine, Staplegun, Zupi, 4×6-art, Funtime Comics, Untergruntblatte, lartmagazine, Passenger May, Sekushi, Onthecamper, Head Press, Entmoot, Lartmagazine, You&Me, R orschach, Fagorgo, B.G.A.Comix, Tracce, Prospektiva, Balkan Spirit,, Don Juan Online, and many others.



The hermit in the tarot sees what others see and do not see, he looks at himself, he looks forward and behind, he looks at all the directions that are himself. He looks at the universe that he dreams and his dream is the entire universe that he creates with his thoughts, with and inside the knots of his heart. To know he needs to climb the furthest and highest mountain. He does not need steps because his steps are already in his closed eyes. The lantern that he carries with him is the light that he sees in the smallest grain of sand, in the lightest flutter of butterfly wings. The hermit is alone in the world, he is inside the world that he holds in the palm of his hand. The hermit knows himself because it is the only way to communicate in his autistic way with the world. His solitude contains all the sounds of the most distant galaxy, his silence speaks unknown and mysterious languages. His steps follow his steps that follow his steps.

Trigger Warning

Painting 3159

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